Afternoon everyone,
It's been a while, I just scrolled down the page and saw that my last post was in February!!! To be fair I did try to write a Mother's day special dedicated to all our darling mother Africa's but my computer was playing up, in any case I trust that you guys still managed to treat your mothers to a nice meal if not...shame on you.
Anyway, I want to share what's been on my mind of late...No it's not Obama's recent visit to Londres or the fact that my dear dinner guest is off to Naij on Thursday,hissssss, It's actually healthy eating. I have been piling on the pounds and decided that now is the time to take control. One of my childhood friends asked me to be a bridesmaid at her wedding this August, how exciting!! (congrats girl, what an honour to share in your joy) This has given me something to work towards ;-)
So, I've started my healthy eating regime. I know a lot of people that are scepticle of how possible it is to be African and really be on a healthy eating diet espcially with all those tasty but not so healthy dishes at ones beck and call. For example, I love love love rice but have noticed that all my rice abuse has left me feeling bloated.
First I decided to start with the basics, sleep earlier, drink more water,drink green tea and do more exercise.( no I have not joined the gymn but taking the stairs from the 2nd floor to the 11th floor in my office building is a workout in itself) I have developed into deeper levels of my regime, my love affair with rice has now been restricted to once a week, snacks are now in the form of carrotts or fruits and breakfast consists of yougart and organic oatcakes.
You may be wondering how on earth I have managed to cut rice down to once a week, espcially being Nigerian it's like almost 99% of our diet, rice and stew, jellof rice, fried rice, ofada rice, rice and curry, have I left any out? Well it has not been easy I have been looking up and down for alternatives and stumbled on a few that are't so bad.
Here are a few:
-Covent Gardens Chicken soup
Thick, creamy and acctually filling
- Lentils with crayfish and plantain
This suggestion was given to me by a friend of mine, thought it sounded terrible initially but everything is worth a try at least once, so I made it and it's good, tasted like beans and plantain.
- Sweet potato mash, salmon and vegetables
This one speaks for itself, deeeelicious but the salmon has to be done just right with a crispy base, I'm not a fan of soggy salmon
This is a working progress but I'm enjoying feeling a lot lighter and eating healthier is actually making me feel good. As always I'm open to more suggestions. Has anyone got any more alternatives to eating rice?
1 comment:
Funny, we have been doing the same in our house. We managed to cut rice out of our diet completely not for health reasons but cos I was just sooooo bored of eating it.
We have opted to eat the following things instead (maybe you can add them into your menu):
Noodles: which is so quick and easy. Add chicken, vegetables anything you want. All you have to do is boil them for like 2 minutes, put them into the wok and fry a little with very healthy olive oil.
Fajitas: seriously my favorite at the moment. Fry up some chicken and peppers, pop it into some tortilla bread and hey presto!
Thats it for now...will let you now if I think of any more
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