Whoever came up with that term is wrong, it's not that we won't cook sometimes we simply can't. Want me to make a tuna pasta bake? I'll have my apron on in no time and even ask if you want one slice of garlic bread or two with that, but ask me to boil snails with that beautiful pepper stew then you have lost me.
I have found that dressing to impress no longer cuts it, well maybe on the first date but after that babes have to cook to impress too as brothers look for wives that not only have the looks to compete with the likes of Beyonce (thank God for Brazillian hair) but also the culinary skills to match that of their mother dearest. Front we may by refusing to cook but when that special dinner guest comes to town you know the pressure is on to tickle his taste buds.
I recall the first time I had a special dinner guest and I attempted to make a simple stew, OK my stew is to die for now people, but I must admit that the first attempt was rather salty to say the least. I have now laid off on the salt but my biggest test yet came recently when my dinner guest wanted to eat Iyan and egusi stew(pounded yam avec spinach for the non-Nigerians). Yea, this is blag able I've seen people do it so many times I thought but I was evidently oblivious to how much power was needed to mash the thing into a smooth ball and to make matters worse I HAD NO WOODEN SPOON. Determined to overcome I got stuck in and I'm kinda proud of my first attempt, dinner guest even went for second rounds ;-)
Well I promised that I'd share tips with you guys so here's tip numbers 1 & 2:
1) Every good cook MUST a wooden spoon
2)Never be caught in the kitchen without Knorr Cubes
Has anyone got tips for me?
Happy Cooking